sharjoy-pageheader-intuitive-1If you would like to achieve peace of mind and well-being, heal relationships, improve your physical and emotional health, uplift trauma, and live your life in an easier and more balanced way, an Intuitive Energy Healing can be beneficial to you. This method of healing is gentle, yet powerful, and can help you achieve the results you want.

Each session is interactive. We talk about whatever issues you would like to work on, and I look at your energy and tell you the energetic cause of what is going on.

Each session is different, depending on what you would like to heal.  We may incorporate inner child healing, soul retrieval, past lives, cutting etheric cords, releasing any negative energy you may have picked up, letting go of energetic attachments to other people, past or present, and clearing and balancing your chakras.

We also look at your beliefs and patterns. You may have unconscious beliefs that have been with you for a long time. As we work with thee energies, you become more connecte to yourself and the truth of who you are.  Feelings such as fear, guilt, shame, anger and sorrow may also uplift.

If you have no specific issues, but are just feeling stuck or have a sense of unease, we can help the energy to start moving. How you feel is a reflection of the energy in your body.  If the energy is stuck, then you may feel stuck in your life. As the energy starts moving, you will feel a sense of lightness, and the ability to move ahead.

Whatever the issue, an Intuitive Energy Healing  opens the energy flow in your body and helps you to be in a place of well-being and balance.
