sharjoy-pagehead-chakra-2I have been offering Chakra Balancing Sessions for over 15 years and have helped many people uplift trauma, heal relationships, improve physical and emotional health, shift old patterns, and move ahead in their lives.

Each of the seven chakras has its own issues, properties, and color. Together we look at each of your chakras and discuss any imbalances or blocked energy. As we determine which chakras to work with, we address any issues or physical symptoms you may have that are related to these chakras. The chakras are interrelated, so as one chakra is opened, we also address any others affecting you.

No matter what you’re dealing with, we look at the energetic cause of the imbalance, find the chakras that are blocked, and gently help them to open.

As the chakras open and balance, energy begins to flow throughout your body which creates  a sense of peace, calm, and well-being.


